Montreal East Terminal

The Largest Terminal in Canada

​​​Operated by Valero Energy since 1986, the Montreal East Terminal is the largest terminal of its kind in Canada  and stores different grades of gasoline and distillate (diesel, home heating oil and jet fuel), ethanol, biodiesel and crude oil. Close to 70 persons are employed by the terminal to perform its operations.

Loading Rack

The Montreal East Terminal has a tank truck loading rack with bottom loading facilities. With 8 loading bays, this rack supplies our carriers and our customers (resellers and wholesalers) who supply the regions of Southern Quebec, the Greater Ottawa and Toronto areas as well as the Northeastern United States market.

The Montreal-Trudeau airport is also supplied by the Montreal East Terminal by pipeline.

Marine Terminal

Valero Energy leases port facilities from the Port of Montreal and the Port of Quebec to receive and ship all types of petroleum products throughout the year.The terminal is connected to the Port of Montreal facility by a network of underground pipes 2.5 km long.​


Over the years, the development of the Montreal East Terminal has required substantial investments to modernize its facilities, including its loading rack that now has 8 bays. In 2014, close to $140 million was invested to increase its storage capacity.